The Cosmic AwakeningJun 7, 2022HUMAN EVOLUTIONRedefining Relationships - 7 Essential Qualities for Evolved RelatingOur consciousness shift is hotting up. People are unwinding, unfolding and breaking free from aeons of constraint. The shift is...
The Cosmic AwakeningMay 24, 20225TH DIMENSIONAncient Alien Theory'For those who've been tuning into the Openhand material regularly, you'll know that from time to time we're referring to an "Opposing...
The Cosmic AwakeningApr 17, 2022SPIRITUALITYThe Spiritual Journey as an "Infinite Game" - Be the Infinite Player!Have you realised it yet? The Spiritual Journey does not lead to some final accomplishment. You do not reach some distant end goal, some...