The Perceptions of God
Here is a very sweet, short channelling about how we see God, and how history has created something very different than what is actually...
The Perceptions of God
The Secret to Mastery
Why Are We So Unhappy?
Why don’t we just simply “be” what we naturally are for all eternity?
Akashic Evolution
What Lee are doing isn’t nice
Who to pray to...
Did a person named “Jesus” actually exist?
God In A Box
What are Archangels relative to Angels?
Understanding Who You Are
Discovering Your Spirituality
How does God/Source feel about our current world?
Attributes of The Soul
Esoterics To The Max
The System
How Do We Know When A Divorce Is Appropriate Or Not?
How can the free choice of us on this small little planet affect a Universe?
The Greatest Puzzle
Becoming Multidimensional